Thursday, March 24, 2016

Setting the Date

October 2015...

It's been a month after the proposal but we had not discussed any details yet. The most common question that we were asked after we announced the engagement on Facebook was the date.

At first, I wasn't really comfortable discussing plans, and most especially dates, because I didn't want to seem eager. The ring is there, the promise is there, what's the need to hurry up?

It was when our parents started asking that we realized we had to take it seriously. It was a series of back and forths and discussions and months of finalizing before we told them the decision.

The Factors.

a. Tim's Family and Friends

Tim's parents are in Japan, his sister, Deb, is in Texas, and his two best friends in the world, Bil and Pat are in the US as well.
Tim and his family, when he visited
them for thanksgiving in DC, 2014
These are the most important people in Tim's life and we had to make sure we give them enough time to prepare for a trip to the Philippines. It's not going to be cheap, everyone knows.

Tim's mom also has a reunion sometime January 2017 and she wants to go, but I think only has two weeks worth of leave (I might be mistaken), and Tim wants the date to be enough that his parents can stay for the reunion as well.

b. Tif's Family and Friends

My mom and brother are here in the Philippines, so there was nothing to worry about. However, my dad, who works as a chief engineer, has a very erratic schedule, depending on the contract that they receive for that journey. I don't know the logistics of it all but what I know is he stays a minimum of 6 months on a ship, most of the time extending, and even if he was on vacation, it could be cut short if the ships need him.

We counted March or April for his vacation here in the Philippines. If he leaves May, then he can come back December.
L-R: Kay Ann and Carl, Me, JM and Patrick

My two best friends gave me a bit of a problem though. Patrick, who is studying medicine, starts his internship / clerkship / whatever that's called on May, and no more rest after that.

JM, the other best friend, says he's leaving for the US of A sometime first quarter of 2016. He might not be able to go he also said.

I yelled at them, and they promised they will make it work. They HAVE to be there, or else, Hala.
c. Work

December is the students' Christmas holiday. No issues.

d. Tim's relatives in Olongapo

Tim wants a weekend wedding, a Saturday wedding to be exact, for his relatives to be able to attend, have time for a drinking party, and ample time to relax.

and so we looked at the calendar.

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