Friday, March 18, 2016

Me and Him


Hi everyone! My name is Tiffany. On a normal day I look like this:
But on special days, I swear I try to look prettier. I am one of the faces that you would see blending in the crowd. I don't like standing out, I feel like that's too much of a bother. But I guess I like dressing up sometimes.

A~nyway, I'm Filipina, born and raised, but my parents kind of brought me up in a weird internationally-knowledgeable household. My dad works on ships and when I was a bit younger I would always be excited to hear stories about the different countries he had gone to while on his ten-month (sometimes even more) travels.

Legend has it that I learned to use chopsticks before the Filipino "kamay" style because my dad gave me a pair of Hello Kitty chopsticks when I was three.

I love love looooove musicals. Mom made sure to blast Broadway, Disney, Opera, everything that is singing-slash-acting during my formative years! I will never get tired of listening to the soundtrack of the popular ones- Les Mis, Miss Saigon, Rent, Wicked, Phantom, Sound of Music, Evita, etc.

I read, but not much recently. Sad face. I find myself tapping on the apps instead of the ebook reader function on the tablet when I try to. I will try to find more time to read. I swear.

I like eating. I'm not picky. I like travelling to sample food.

I like computer games. I want to make a separate blog about why I think it's very seldom to find gamer girls in the Philippines, and what the importance is to Tim and my life.

I've been dabbling in different careers, mostly just jumping back and forth teaching and call-centering. Money versus passion. It's always a sad predicament.

Tim describes me as jaded all the time, and I answer, I'm not jaded, I'm a realist.

Music. Food. Travelling. Games. Reading. Sitcoms. Jaded. Yep that's me.


(yes, his has no exclamations hohohohoho)

He is Timothy. Tim. Timmy. On airplane days, he looks like this.

He cleans up nice too don't worry.

He is Filipino-American, born in Zambales, and brought up everywhere. You know when I said I was brought up in an internationally-knowledgeable household? This guy was raised on international households. His family was military so he moved a lot growing up. (btw this is the "script" he uses so hang on). Anybody would be jealous but he says although it was fun and he appreciate everything that he picks up whenever they moved, it was kind of hard to make friends, knowing that when they leave the country, he would never be able to go back to that city and find him and catch up with him. 

Ok more of script answers to questions he's been asked a million times. Why is he here in the Philippines? Obviously, it's because he met me and doesn't want to leave me alone ever again. *eyeroll* 

No, seriously, he loves his family here (extended, mother side). He did not have roots growing up and he wants to stay in a place where he could call home. He doesn't want to impose on anybody so even though he loves his parents and his sister, he doesn't want to just go there and bother them. 

He decided to stay here, work here, build a life here, and visit his family in the provinces now and then. 

He likes pizza, ice cream, video games and rough housing. He's a boy.

He likes history, impressionism, quoting Shakespeare, and swing. He's a sophisticated boy.

He likes animes, superheroes, random facts, and mythology. He's a sophisticated nerdy boy.

Buuut I love him, so he's my sophisticated nerd- and as I always add- in very nice packaging.

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